Source code for lantz.drivers.prior.nanoscanz

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    :copyright: 2015 by Lantz Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from pyvisa import constants

from lantz import Action, Feat
from lantz.messagebased import MessageBasedDriver
from lantz.errors import InstrumentError

[docs]class NanoScanZ(MessageBasedDriver): """Driver for the NanoScanZ Nano Focusing Piezo Stage from Prior. """ DEFAULTS = {'ASRL': {'write_termination': '\n', 'read_termination': '\n', 'baud_rate': 9600, 'bytesize': 8, 'parity': constants.Parity.none, 'stop_bits':, 'encoding': 'ascii', 'timeout': 2000 }} #: flow control flags #RTSCTS = False #DSRDTR = False #XONXOFF = False
[docs] def query(self, command, *, send_args=(None, None), recv_args=(None, None)): """Send query to the stage and return the answer, after handling possible errors. :param command: command to be sent to the instrument :type command: string """ ans = super().query(command, send_args=send_args, recv_args=recv_args) if ans[0] == 'E': code = ans[2] if code == '8': raise InstrumentError('Value out of range') elif code == '4': raise InstrumentError('Command parse error, ie wrong number of parameters') elif code == '5': raise InstrumentError('Unknown command') elif code == '2': raise InstrumentError('Invalid checksum') return ans
@Feat(values={9600,19200,38400}) def device_baudrate(self): """Reports and sets the baud rate. NOTE: DO NOT change the baud rate of the Piezo controller when daisy chained to ProScan. """ return self.query('BAUD') @device_baudrate.setter def device_baudrate(self, value): self.query('BAUD {}'.format(value)) @Feat(values={True: '4', False: '00000'}) def moving(self): """Returns the movement status, 0 stationary, 4 moving """ return self.query('$') @Feat(read_once=True) def idn(self): """Identification of the device """ return self.query('DATE') +' '+ self.query('SERIAL') @Feat(units = 'micrometer') def position(self): """Gets and sets current position. If the value is set to z = 0, the display changes to REL 0 (relative display mode). To return to ABS mode use inst.move_absolute(0) and then inst.position = 0. Thus, the stage will return to 0 micrometers and the display screen will switch to ABS mode. """ return self.query('PZ') @position.setter def position(self, value): self.query('PZ {}'.format(value)) @Action() def zero_position(self): """Move to zero including any position redefinitions done by the position Feat """ self.query('M') @Action(units = 'micrometer', limits=(100,)) def move_absolute(self, value): """Move to absolute position n, range (0,100). This is a "real" absolute position and is independent of any relative offset added by the position Feat. """ self.query('V {}'.format()) @Action() def move_relative(self, value): """ Move the stage position relative to the current position by an amount determined by 'value'. If value is given in micrometer, thats the amount the stage is going to move, in microns. If value is given in steps, the stage will move a distance value.magnitude * step. The step is defined by the step Feat """ """ try: u = value.units if value.magnitude > 0: self.query('U {}'.format(value.magnitude)) if value.magnitude < 0: self.query('D {}'.format(-value.magnitude)) except: if isinstance(value, int): if value > 0: for x in range(0,value): self.query('U') elif value < 0: for x in range(0,value): self.query('D') else: raise ValueError('Specify the translation distance in micrometer unit') """ try: if value.units == 'micrometer': if value.magnitude > 0: self.query('U {}'.format(value.magnitude)) elif value.magnitude < 0: self.query('D {}'.format(-value.magnitude)) elif value.units == 'steps': if value.magnitude > 0: for x in range(0,value.magnitude): self.query('U') elif value.magnitude < 0: for x in range(0,-value.magnitude): self.query('D') except: raise ValueError('Specify the translation distance in micrometers or steps') @Feat(units='micrometer') def step(self): """Report and set the default step size, in microns """ return self.query('C') @step.setter def step (self, value): self.query('C {}'.format(value)) @Feat(read_once=True) def software_version(self): """Software version """ return self.query('VER')
class NanoScanZ_chained(NanoScanZ): """This is needed when the NanoScanZ controller is connected to a ProScanII controller through its RS-232-2 input """ def write(self, command, termination=None, encoding=None): super().send('<' + command, termination=termination, encoding=encoding) def read(self, termination=None, encoding=None): return super().read(termination=termination, encoding=encoding)[1:] if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse import lantz.log parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test Prior NanoScanZ') parser.add_argument('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show interactive GUI') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=str, default='17', help='Serial port to connect to') args = parser.parse_args() lantz.log.log_to_screen(lantz.log.DEBUG) with NanoScanZ.from_serial_port(args.port) as inst: if args.interactive: from import start_test_app start_test_app(inst) else: from lantz import Q_ # Add your test code here print('Non interactive mode') um = Q_(1, 'micrometer') print(inst.idn) print(inst.moving) print(inst.position) print(inst.step) inst.step = 1 * um print(inst.step)