Source code for lantz.processors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    :copyright: 2015 by Lantz Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

import warnings

from . import Q_
from .log import LOGGER as _LOG
from stringparser import Parser

class DimensionalityWarning(Warning):

def _do_nothing(value):
    return value

def _getitem(a, b):
    """Return a[b] or if not found a[type(b)]
        return a[b]
    except KeyError:
        return a[type(b)]

getitem = _getitem

[docs]def convert_to(units, on_dimensionless='warn', on_incompatible='raise', return_float=False): """Return a function that convert a Quantity to to another units. :param units: string or Quantity specifying the target units :param on_dimensionless: how to proceed when a dimensionless number number is given. 'raise' to raise an exception, 'warn' to log a warning and proceed, 'ignore' to silently proceed :param on_incompatible: how to proceed when source and target units are incompatible. Same options as `on_dimensionless` :raises: :class:`ValueError` if the incoming value cannot be properly converted >>> convert_to('mV')(Q_(1, 'V')) <Quantity(1000.0, 'millivolt')> >>> convert_to('mV', return_float=True)(Q_(1, 'V')) 1000.0 """ if on_dimensionless not in ('ignore', 'warn', 'raise'): raise ValueError("{} is not a valid value for 'on_dimensionless'. " "It should be either 'ignore', 'warn' or 'raise'".format(on_dimensionless)) if on_incompatible not in ('ignore', 'warn', 'raise'): raise ValueError("{} is not a valid value for 'on_incompatible'. " "It should be either 'ignore', 'warn' or 'raise'".format(on_dimensionless)) if isinstance(units, str): units = Q_(1, units) elif not isinstance(units, Q_): raise ValueError("{} is not a valid value for 'units'. " "It should be either str or Quantity") if return_float: def _inner(value): if isinstance(value, Q_): try: return except ValueError as e: if on_incompatible == 'raise': raise ValueError(e) elif on_incompatible == 'warn': msg = 'Unable to convert {} to {}. Ignoring source units.'.format(value, units) warnings.warn(msg, DimensionalityWarning) _LOG.warn(msg) # on_incompatible == 'ignore' return value.magnitude else: if not units.dimensionless: if on_dimensionless == 'raise': raise ValueError('Unable to convert {} to {}'.format(value, units)) elif on_dimensionless == 'warn': msg = 'Assuming units `{1.units}` for {0}'.format(value, units) warnings.warn(msg, DimensionalityWarning) _LOG.warn(msg) # on_incompatible == 'ignore' return float(value) return _inner else: def _inner(value): if isinstance(value, Q_): try: return except ValueError as e: if on_incompatible == 'raise': raise ValueError(e) elif on_incompatible == 'warn': msg = 'Assuming units `{1.units}` for {0}'.format(value, units) warnings.warn(msg, DimensionalityWarning) _LOG.warn(msg) # on_incompatible == 'ignore' return float(value.magnitude) * units else: if not units.dimensionless: if on_dimensionless == 'raise': raise ValueError('Unable to convert {} to {}'.format(value, units)) elif on_dimensionless == 'warn': msg = 'Assuming units `{1.units}` for {0}'.format(value, units) warnings.warn(msg, DimensionalityWarning) _LOG.warn(msg) # on_incompatible == 'ignore' return float(value) * units return _inner
[docs]class Processor(object): """Processor to convert the function parameters. A `callable` argument will be used to convert the corresponding function argument. For example, here `x` will be converted to float, before entering the function body:: >>> conv = Processor(float) >>> conv <class 'float'> >>> conv('10') 10.0 The processor supports multiple argument conversion in a tuple:: >>> conv = Processor((float, str)) >>> type(conv) <class 'lantz.processors.Processor'> >>> conv(('10', 10)) (10.0, '10') """ def __new__(cls, processors): if isinstance(processors, (tuple, list)): if len(processors) > 1: inst = super().__new__(cls) inst.processors = tuple(cls._to_callable(processor) for processor in processors) return inst else: return cls._to_callable(processors[0]) else: return cls._to_callable(processors) def __call__(self, values): return tuple(processor(value) for processor, value in zip(self.processors, values)) @classmethod def _to_callable(cls, obj): if callable(obj): return obj if obj is None: return _do_nothing return cls.to_callable(obj) @classmethod def to_callable(cls, obj): raise TypeError('Preprocessor argument must callable, not {}'.format(obj)) def __len__(self): if isinstance(self.processors, tuple): return len(self.processors) return 1
[docs]class FromQuantityProcessor(Processor): """Processor to convert the units the function arguments. The syntax is equal to `Processor` except that strings are interpreted as units. >>> conv = FromQuantityProcessor('ms') >>> conv(Q_(1, 's')) 1000.0 """ @classmethod def to_callable(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, (str, Q_)): return convert_to(obj, return_float=True) raise TypeError('FromQuantityProcessor argument must be a string ' ' or a callable, not {}'.format(obj))
[docs]class ToQuantityProcessor(Processor): """Decorator to convert the units the function arguments. The syntax is equal to `Processor` except that strings are interpreted as units. >>> conv = ToQuantityProcessor('ms') >>> conv(Q_(1, 's')) <Quantity(1000.0, 'millisecond')> >>> conv(1) <Quantity(1.0, 'millisecond')> """ @classmethod def to_callable(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, (str, Q_)): return convert_to(obj, on_dimensionless='ignore') raise TypeError('ToQuantityProcessor argument must be a string ' ' or a callable, not {}'.format(obj))
[docs]class ParseProcessor(Processor): """Processor to convert/parse the function parameters. The syntax is equal to `Processor` except that strings are interpreted as a :class:Parser expression. >>> conv = ParseProcessor('spam {:s} eggs') >>> conv('spam ham eggs') 'ham' >>> conv = ParseProcessor(('hi {:d}', 'bye {:s}')) >>> conv(('hi 42', 'bye Brian')) (42, 'Brian') """ @classmethod def to_callable(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, str): return Parser(obj) raise TypeError('parse_params argument must be a string or a callable, ' 'not {}'.format(obj))
[docs]class MapProcessor(Processor): """Processor to map the function parameter values. The syntax is equal to `Processor` except that a dict is used as mapping table. Examples:: >>> conv = MapProcessor({True: 42}) >>> conv(True) 42 """ @classmethod def to_callable(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): return get_mapping(obj) if isinstance(obj, set): return check_membership(obj) raise TypeError('MapProcessor argument must be a dict or a callable, ' 'not {}'.format(obj))
[docs]class ReverseMapProcessor(Processor): """Processor to map the function parameter values. The syntax is equal to `Processor` except that a dict is used as mapping table. Examples:: >>> conv = ReverseMapProcessor({True: 42}) >>> conv(42) True """ #: Shared cache of reversed dictionaries indexed by the id() __reversed_cache = {} @classmethod def to_callable(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): obj = cls.__reversed_cache.setdefault(id(obj), {value: key for key, value in obj.items()}) return get_mapping(obj) if isinstance(obj, set): return check_membership(obj) raise TypeError('ReverseMapProcessor argument must be a dict or a callable, ' 'not {}'.format(obj))
[docs]class RangeProcessor(Processor): """Processor to convert the units the function arguments. The syntax is equal to `Processor` except that iterables are interpreted as (low, high, step) specified ranges. Step is optional and max is included >>> conv = RangeProcessor(((1, 2, .5), )) >>> conv(1.7) 1.5 """ @classmethod def to_callable(cls, obj): if not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError('RangeProcessor argument must be a tuple/list ' 'or a callable, not {}'.format(obj)) if not len(obj) in (1, 2, 3): raise TypeError('RangeProcessor argument must be a tuple/list ' 'with 1, 2 or 3 elements ([low,] high[, step]) ' 'not {}'.format(len(obj))) if len(obj) == 1: return check_range_and_coerce_step(0, *obj) return check_range_and_coerce_step(*obj)
[docs]def check_range_and_coerce_step(low, high, step=None): """ :param low: :param high: :param step: :return: >>> checker = check_range_and_coerce_step(1, 10) >>> checker(1), checker(5), checker(10) (1, 5, 10) >>> checker(11) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 11 not in range (1, 10) >>> checker = check_range_and_coerce_step(1, 10, 1) >>> checker(1), checker(5.4), checker(10) (1, 5, 10) """ def _inner(value): if not (low <= value <= high): raise ValueError('{} not in range ({}, {})'.format(value, low, high)) if step: value = round((value - low) / step) * step + low return value return _inner
[docs]def check_membership(container): """ :param container: :return: >>> checker = check_membership((1, 2, 3)) >>> checker(1) 1 >>> checker(0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 0 not in (1, 2, 3) """ def _inner(value): if value not in container: raise ValueError('{!r} not in {}'.format(value, container)) return value return _inner
[docs]def get_mapping(container): """ >>> getter = get_mapping({'A': 42, 'B': 43}) >>> getter('A') 42 >>> getter(0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 0 not in ('A', 'B') """ def _inner(key): if key not in container: raise ValueError("{!r} not in {}".format(key, tuple(container.keys()))) return container[key] return _inner